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News / New Executive Director for the Gilmer Area Chamber of Commerce

By Gloria McLuckie
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

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After spending 33 successful years in Texas theatre education, Gloria McLuckie, has returned home and accepted the position as the Director of the Gilmer Chamber. Her success in the UIL One-Act Play Contest and UIL Academics has prepared her for this new position. “Building a successful Chamber of Commerce is the same as building a successful theatre/speech program. You engage with people, you build relationships, and then you work together to attain the, ultimate, goal, of ‘winning together.’ Over the years, my students have trained me to build those bonds between diverse groups of people that are lasting. Our Gilmer area community works better together with the same goals in mind. Nostalgic about our past, passionate about our present, and excited about our future! I am thrilled to be a new member and working director of the Gilmer Area Chamber of Commerce.

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